Sunday, December 03, 2006

i like big butts, and i cannot lie......

OK, I don't really like them, but the song comes to mind after the health assessment that my work made my husband and I do the other day. The incentive was that they would take $250 per person off of our deductible.

We found out that our body fat composition put us up in the national obesity level. I am fatter than I have ever been, without being pregnant. My waist is 5 inches larger than normal. My cholesterol is high, and my husband has similar issues. That just made my day......

Well, now I am depressed. I am going to have to stop drinking soda and start working out again. I DO get paid to work out..... so I should probably do it. I will try to lay off the donuts.

1 comment:

Delirious said...

I watched this really gave me incentive.
Also, rent "Supersize Me" from the video will open your eyes.