Saturday, December 30, 2006

Life's early lesson?

I ordered some curtain from Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and they came in a box with a long piece of brown paper. Our 2 year old, M***, tore up the paper into a LOT of little pieces and threw them all over our bedroom. Today I asked her to come up and pick it up, she came up and our conversation went like this....

Me: M***, you made this mess so you need to pick it up.
M***: (holding her arm) I can't my arm hurts.
Me: Well, if you don't do it, your butt is going to hurt because I am going to spank a bum.
M***: (holding arm, still) I can't do it, my arm hurts. You do it.
Me: I didn't make this mess, so you can clean it up.
M***: Make C*** do it, my arm hurts.

Who taught her to do this? One of the older kids, I am sure. Great.....


Delirious said...

Well, atleast you weren't as bad as me. Once I swatted my son for being bad. He said, "I'm going to call CPS!" I said, "Then we better make it worth their while to come!"

deputymomof6 said...

How cute. I love the things the little ones come up with.