Sunday, October 12, 2008

please help

Will someone please tell my husband that it is very rude and inconsiderate to people you live with if you just take off and don't tell anyone you are leaving. Not to mention that he rarely answers his cell because he cannot hear it. Two days in a row he has taken off and I am searching the house but cannot find him. About an hour later he comes walking in like everything is normal and I am furious. I needed to ask him something and the younger girls and I were searching all over the house. GRRRR.. maybe I am wrong, but I think it isn't very nice.


Sally said...

You aren't wrong! That's frustrating, especially if he doesn't answer the cell! Lock him up! :)

Inklings said...

I understand EXACTLY how you feel, because he learned it from his father!

~Kris said...

It's only irritating if you're the one searching. If you've been the one they have been searching for, it's not very annoying at all.

Amber said...

i agree it isn't - kaleb does this when he's mad at me - and so i did it a couple of times back to show him how it feels ;>

PsychDoctor said...

She never called my cell...I ran to get a drink...