Monday, February 04, 2008

Doggie deeds, done dirt cheap...

So, our Yorkie is so cute, I decided he should spread the good genes around. I put an ad in a local newspaper, and studed him out. (Pimp doggy dog.) :) So, a few people have answered, and I have not received any money because I didn't want any until I was certain he wasn't sterile. In the process, I think that I have been taken on one deal, and am hopeful on the second. The ad ran out, and the interest stopped. I just reposted the ad, and my phone is ringing off the hook again. I am going to figure out how to do it differently, otherwise, he is not a stud, but a free one night stand!!!


Lindsay Logic said...

I think you should take him to the vet and make sure he isn't sterile, then just charge an upfront fee. When I had Suzie bred, I paid the $350 up front. The woman said if she didn't take, she would bring him back until she did. *L*

deputymomof6 said...

I just got paid for my first one today. :) I have had so many phone calls, I (he) cannot keep up.