Monday, August 07, 2006

school fees are ridiculous!!!

School is quickly approaching, and I am feeling the downfall of so many school age children. School clothes and shoes were around $2,000, and two kids don't have school shoes, yet. Then, I got letters from the schools with the kids' student fees on them. I about had a heart attack!! The teenagers in high school had fees around $300 each, and the junior high kid was just under $200. What in the heck am I paying taxes for? We are one of the higher tax paying states, with next to the lowest national scores, and I have to pay even more.

Worse yet, it was itemized. I have to pay three different computer fees. Add that together with three kids with three different computer fees, and I have pretty much paid for my own computer!! Makes me sick!! I also have to pay to have my kids use textbooks, to use a locker, to park in the parking lot that my taxes have already paid for, etc. I am starting Christmas shopping as soon as I can, so I don't have to sell a kidney to get my kids each one gift!! :)

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