Monday, December 01, 2008

That's my girl!!!

So, on Thanksgiving, my 8 year old A*** and my brother in law, Native Minnow (or NM from now on) had the following conversations:

NM: Hey (puts hand on middle of her back) how are you, A***?
A: Don't touch me..... and walks off. (Don't know where she gets the attitude from!!)

About an hour later.....

NM: A****, come check this out. (touches her arm)
A: Don't touch me.......

About another hour later.....

NM: A**** (touches her head)
A: I have told you 3 times now, don't touch me. It makes me uncomfortable.

LMAO, at least I taught her how to stand up for herself. But, that was supposed to be used on perverts and strangers, not poor Uncle NM!!!!!


Sally said...

Funny, good for her!

BTW, I saw Twilight again...SO much better the 2nd time!

Amber said...

That IS funny!! Maybe she's been reading NM blog LOL j/k.